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Optimistic on the Move

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As I look at all of my worldly possesions stuffed into the corner of my living room, I think to myself: 'This should be a pretty easy move'... Let's see if ...

Getting Excited

less than 1 minute read

In a few days, I am going to Europe for about a month! I will spend a week in Spain with my Mom, then go out on a long Mediterreanean cruise with my Fam...

Adding Features

less than 1 minute read

As promised, I have started to write code to enhance my Ruby on Rails CMS (Also known as I have added an RSS feed as well as a Photo Album. ...

The Last 3 Months

2 minute read

It has been about 3 months since my last update. Originally I stopped updating because I was really busy in school, then because I was working on secur...

Tom, Castro, Midterms

2 minute read

This past weekend, Tom, my old roommate and good friend from CZ, came down for a visit. We had a pretty chill weekend; Pool Halls, Wii, Beer, we even we...