New Look x 2

1 minute read has just received a major update and I really enjoy the new look. I pretty much created it from ground up, taking a little from other themes and using the magic of wordpress. Not everything is working yet, the feeds are still messed up and I get Page Errors sometimes... but I will get everything working soon enough. Please comment if you find a bug or annoyance. Some of the new features:

  • Pull down navigation menus on top and bottom of every page
  • Send my phone a text message through the page
  • Instant search, recent comments, post tags
  • New Photo Gallery with popup overlay picture

I have been talking about a haircut for awhile now and since I had not cut my hair all semester, I though after finals was the perfect time to go for it. I now have a mohawk! I definitely scare children as I walk down the street but I will keep it for a little bit. Over the past few weeks I was studying hard for finals and spending time with Di. A few days ago we went to the city and roamed around Chinatown for a few hours, even saw the Happy Happy Happy guy there too. Right before finals Cal played in the "Big Game" and Mike and I watched as Cal struggled to beat the 1-9 Stanford. We did win though and I celebrated by opening up my Electrical Engineering book for 72 hours straight. My efforts paid off though as I ended up making an Amplifier from scratch. More posts later...

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