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Make a Time-Lapse Movie Using a TI89 Calculator

3 minute read

UPDATE: If you are having trouble getting the code to work right, make sure you have the most recent firmware installed on your ti89 (Thanks Colin). I recent...

Fixing Rflickr and Xmlrpc to Handle Bignums

3 minute read

Flickr has become one of the more popular online photo storage sites and consequently has billions of picture on there. I use my Flickr account, in conjuncti...

How to Generate PNG Screenshots Using FFMPEG

4 minute read

After setting up my Server and Home Entertainment Center (I should write up a post on that...) I needed an easy way to automatically generate screenshots of ...

Books, Books, Books

3 minute read

Over the past 6 months I have travelled to work in San Francisco every day on our subway system, BART. It is a 20-25 minute route each way and I decided I wo...