Rubix Cube Solver
For those of us who wish to appear smart by having a Solved Rubix Cube on the coffee table…. Was this page helpful for you? Buy me a slice of 🍕 to say th...
For those of us who wish to appear smart by having a Solved Rubix Cube on the coffee table…. Was this page helpful for you? Buy me a slice of 🍕 to say th...
144651003144650994144650985144650972144650957 Somebody sent me these pics in an email and I was blown away! Here is the official website of Julian Be...
Maynard James Keenan, lead singer of Tool, in one his less-than-glorious moments. I never thought I'd see Maynard in tights and make-up outside of the Aenima...
It is a bittersweet feeling… the school year went by so fast. Was this page helpful for you? Buy me a slice of 🍕 to say thanks!
142577481142577008142576411142575999142578012 This was a good weekend for me. I studied all day yesterday and today, catching up on my math and reviewing ...