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Alice in Chains

1 minute read

311326253311326289311326522311326594311326631 Of the many bands I listen to, I have been able to see most of the Live. When I started listening to Alice in C...

Thanksgiving in Fort Collins

1 minute read

308078178308079970308062498308062224308091392 I had a pretty good time over Thanksgiving break with the fam in Colorado. I got in Denver on Wed night and int...

Stupid USC, KGD Banquet, iRoam

1 minute read

303662137303662180303662239303662035303681954 Last week was a horrible week for Cal as our beloved football team lost to USC (again)! This ruined our chances...

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

1 minute read

296562285296562225296562250296562188296562103 This last week was pretty rough for me... Monday, my bicycle handlebars decided they did not like to be perpend...

Halloween @ Castro, No-Mo-Veggie

1 minute read

285924865285925178285925139285925090285925050 285924994285924950285925314285925339285925268 They say you have to go to Castro on Halloween once and I fina...