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I’ve had better days…

2 minute read

123633224 123633199 123633026 I am relieved that my test is over… but that is the only good positive feeling I have regarding the test! Maybe I shouldn’t hav...

Ethiopian Dinner

1 minute read

123113458123113521123113792 Last night I went to this small Ethiopian restaurant in Oakland with Shannon and Mottman. This was my first time eating Ethio...

Worst Day of the Year!

less than 1 minute read

There are only 2 days I hate out of the 365.25: Valentines Day: Why do people need a special day to show the one they love that they are loved. Furthe...

I’m going to give it another go…

less than 1 minute read

121360936 121360775 Everybody knows I am a musician at heart. It is the only thing I’ve felt really passionate about in the past few years. Five years ago, I...